Thursday, 24 June 2010

Final 2 CBC and a couple of others

I finally finished the last two CBC challenges! I kept up all the way through until the final two! I am also taking note of the prompts on 'the 30 day journal' course, but I am only doing the ones that appeal to me.
This one was day 3 on 30 day journal, 'share with someone why you love them-draw a picture of someone you love and write them a letter telling them how much you love them.'
This is a journal page about my sister
On the left is my page for CBC day 12 'smooth'.
I struggled with this, I wanted to convey a smooth blank page in my journal and how you get started on that new page. Confronted with a new blank page I have the tendancy to go blank myself because I don't want to mess the page up. I am actually not happy at all with this page but I have posted all the other CBC pages so here it is.

The right page is from prompt number 4 on 30 day journal-'what does your heart look like?'
This was just a doodle I did.
This page is the final day of CBC 'smile', another little doodle that I coloured in with pencils.

And this one is in my new Moleskine journal, that I was saving until I had filled the other one, but have decided to take to Glastonbury this weekend. It is a Goddess drawing in honour of Glastonbury!

We are not going to the festival we are just going for a nice relaxing spiritual weekend. Glastonbury town is very quiet festival weekend so I expect to spend a lot of time in all the really cool shops!
I am going to take my journal as Glastonbury is such a spiritual place I want to try and capture some of that with some art and maybe some poetry while I am sat at the Chalice well!
Thanks for looking,
Sami x

Monday, 21 June 2010

Post for a very special Dad

This years Fathers day was really important to my family and me. In January my Dad was diagnosed with cancer, non-hodgekins lymphoma. Tests showed that it had spread quite far and was even in his bone marrow. Needless to say we were all devestated. My Dad has always been healthy, has never had any serious illness and this was a total shock, he thought he had a chest infection. The word cancer is so very scary. You immediately assume the worst, you think 'this is it, how long has he got?' We read all the information we could, kept our fears from our Dad and made a valiant effort to treat him as 'normal', as per his request. He didn't want us to worry or be upset, so instead we made him laugh by making 'bald' jokes. To be honest, making jokes about it and keeping his spirits high was the only way to get through it, you know the 'either laugh or cry' saying.
6 months on and hes completed all his chemo, without any real side effects. You wouldn't have even known he was ill. He has been so brave and strong, just getting on with everything with no fuss at all. He is waiting to have another all body scan and bone marrow test to find out if the cancer is gone, but his x-rays show all the tumors in his chest have gone and the consultant has said if they are gone from his chest, likley hood is its gone everywhere else. His blood count is normal which also looks good for the bone marrow.
So we wanted to do something a bit special this fathers day. My sister came up with the idea of chinese lanterns. We told Dad to meet us down the beach at 9pm on Fathers day. He was a bit confused about what was going on as we wouldnt tell him what we were planning, but agreed to be there! The whole family came and when Mum and Dad arrived we told them we wanted to each light a lantern and send it off into the sky as a way of saying goodbye to the chemo treatments, and to let Dad know how very special he is to us, how proud we are of him and how glad we are that he was here to celebrate Fathers day.
Here are the photos

Sunset at Appley beach

The first lantern is lit and sent up by Dad

The kids lantern getting ready to fly

All of us
This was such a great idea of my sister's. It was quite emotional watching the lanterns fly up into the sky, knowing how lucky we are to have our Dad with us. The lanterns went really high and flew for miles, we watched them float towards Portsmouth untill we lost sight of them.
I know this isn't a normal post for me, I usually keep this blog strictly craft related! But I wanted to share how proud I was of my Dad and also to let people know that if cancer does find its way into your family, as it did ours, it's not always the beginning of the end. We are still waiting for the final results but things are looking good and I know my Dads positive attitude, our thoughts and healing prayers for him will be succesful.
Thanks for listening!
sami x

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Scrap with us #18

Its week 18 on Scrap with us and this weeks challenge was
Girl power and rule of threes
This is mostly October Afternoon PP. The other PP is so old I can't remember what it is! I have stolen Ladybugs bunting idea for this one, to duplicate the bunting in the photos.
Sami x

My Craft Room

Today I thought I would post some photos of my craft room (only because I had to tidy it to accomadate my new toy!)
I am very lucky to have my own room for crafting. When we moved into our house we discovered a little room off the kitchen, which we had assumed was a cupboard. It was too small to have as a dining room so I took it over as my crafting space.
I got my Dad and Husband to fit some kitchen worktop along the wall and put up a couple of shelves. My Dads an electricion so he put in trunking with lots of plugs for the computer, sewing machine etc.
My desk

My shelves where I keep buttons, ribbons, flowers, my bind it all and other bits and pieces

My new cricut, my I-Pod docking station, my photo printer and my little card box which still needs altering.

Stood on the floor against the door is my unfinished printers tray and my art bin which I've had since college and is now filled with acrylic paints. The bottom 2 shelves of my bookcase holds my scrap card in the wooden drawers, embossing powders, heat gun and rubber stamps in the blue drawers, my slice (relegated to the shelf since the cricut arrived!) and the little Cath Kidson type boxes hold completed mini books. My craft magazines are on the floor under the bookcase. I have to have the top two shelves of my bookcase for all my work files as I do a lot of my job from home.

These wheelie drawers hold an assortment of stuff, from card toppers to more rubberstamps.

Under my desk sits my old sewing cabinet which is filled with pens, colouring pencils, scissors, double sided tape, glue and any other crap that doesnt fit anywhere else. My wheelie tote filled with all my card stock and paper and then extra paper and card in the pizza boxes.

My cupboard door

And inside my cupboard. I know it looks all piled in there but I know where everything is! I have yet another printers tray in there, all my totes which hold my glues, inks, punches and alphas, my scrapbooks, my tim holtz stamp binder and tools. Behind my stuff is all my daughters crafting stuff.

My room
I have not quite finished the last two days of CBC, they are both half done! I will try to get to them today but as its fathers day I have to let my hubby sit on his bum and do nothing so I might be a bit busy!!
Thanks for looking!
Sami x

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

CBC Day 11

Day 11 word prompt
This one was a little rushed. I used acrylics on my journal page. I copied this from a photo I took a couple of years ago.
I was taken to stonehenge on my birthday (winter solstice) by some friends. The stones are magnificant but the whole place was filled with tourists doing the 'stand in front of the stones holding their palms out thing' so the photos would look like they were holding the henge in their hands. To me, the stones are a very spiritual place, with deep significance to the pagan path. I longed for all the people to disapear so I could feel the power of the stones. I just wanted some HUSH! I managed to get a photo with the sun setting behind the stones and no people in the picture. To me this represents my kind of hush!
Sami x

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

CBC Day 10

Word prompt for today
Full bodied
I tried my had at collage today, its not great but I had fun!
My mind was not fully on this today because just as I started the postman brought my new CRICUT!!!!!
Yay I finally got one, its only taken 3 years to be able to afford it! So obviously I was some what distracted from my art journal because I had to unpack it and have a play straight away!
I just wanted to say thank you to people for the lovely comments I have recieved for my CBC stuff. Its really encouraging me to keep at it, and hopefully I will continue after CBC has finished.
Sami x

Monday, 14 June 2010

CBC Day 9

Day 9 random word prompt
Well, I had a good run, 8 days of creating and I was really pleased with all my work! Day 9 dawns and I've hit a brick wall! I just could not think outside the box on this one, it didn't inspire me at all, no reflection on your word maegan, its all me!
I thought I'd try the oils again as they worked well with the jellyfish but heres what happened..
1 1/2 hours later and I've got a very childlike picture that im not happy with at all! My oil pastels would not blend today no matter what I did. So I thought I'd just try again before the kids got home from school...

The page on the left is ok but I don't feel it represents drizzle, and the other page just doesn't work for me either. Im trying not to stress about my lost mojo, this is supposed to be fun after all but I am a teeny bit disapointed with my efforts today. Heres hoping my mojo sneaks back into the house tonight while im sleeping, all ready for a fresh start tomorrow!
Sami x

Sunday, 13 June 2010

CBC Day 8

Creativity Boot Camp, Day 8, random word prompt
I drew around my hand on a piece of card and doodled the Mehndi design on it with a brown fineliner, then I cut it out. I put a bit of background paper on the page and swirled paint all over it and then stuck the hand down over the top.
I love henna tatoos! I work with ethnic women and some of the designs the ladies do on their hands are works of art in themselves.
Sami x

Saturday, 12 June 2010

CBC Day 7 & Scrap with us #17

CBC Day 7
Random word prompt
This has not photographed well because I used some metalic acrylic paint on it. Quite a simple journal page today, I have not thought outside the box as much as my other pages, but I think thats because I did this at our monthly crop today, those little feelings of 'is it good enough' were creeping around my head because there were other people there! Stupid I know, but there you go!
If you cant see what it is, it's dandelion seeds flying on the breeze!
I found a wonderful blog last night through a link photo on CBC, its called One Blackbird (link on my bloglist). I stayed up untill 1.30am and looked at every single blog entry! This is my first attempt at an art journal and I am not sure what I am doing, but her blog inspired me. There are amazing journal pages on it and I even found a starters kit list with essensial supplies for journalling! I will definately be popping back to check out her work on a regular basis!

Today was our crop and week 17 of scrap with us which was
'I'm feeling distressed'
Not a great LO but my head is full of CBC and my art journal at the moment! I love the photo of my sister which I took last week at a reaissance festival we went to. She was so engrossed in watching the Bloodstone border morris dancers she didnt even know I'd taken the photo!

I know thoughtful is spelt wrong, it was intentional!
PP was Kaisercraft Airyfairy which I have had forever, primas, thickers, Cosmo Cricket alphas, lace and buttons. I did scrunch up the paper and tear the edges but it doesnt show that much! I also distressed the edge of the photo.
If you want to join in with Scrap with us, pop over to our Wight craft circle blog, link on top right.
Sami x

Friday, 11 June 2010

CBC day 5 & 6

Day 5 on CBC, the random word prompt was
This is my attempt
I used acrylic paint for the picture. It hasn't turned out as well I'd hoped but I just keep reminding myself it doesn't have to be perfect!
The journal prompt for day 5 was about music and remembering all your hopes and dreams when you were younger. I did have a go at this as you can see on the left hand side of the page. Must admit to remembering all sorts of fav songs from my youth and then spending an hour on youtube listening to them!
Day 6 word prompt
I have just finished this at 9.45 this evening as I had to attend yet another boring training course today...I sat there doodling on my paper trying to get my ideas for todays word together!
The daily thought today was about getting trapped in your own style, does it stiffle you, try a different technique or style today. So I rummaged in the cupboard untill I found a packet of (barely used) oil pastels that I knew were there somewhere! I have only used oil pastels a couple of times, I find them difficult and I get in such a mess! I said to hell with it and got on with it!! And I am really pleased with how it has turned out. I have pastel under my nails, on my face and I have had to clean my sofa but I think it was worth it! I have tried to capture the fluid movement of the jelly fish, don't know if I have succeded but I had fun doing it. I have not had time to do the journalling but for me this course is about getting going with my drawing and painting again, not so much with the writing.
By the way, does anyone know how to 'set' oil pastels? I have placed a blank piece of paper between the pages at the moment. I know hairspray works for chalk pastels but don't know if it works on oil???
Sami x

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

CBC Day 4

Yesterdays random word prompt was
Heavy metal
(I did do it yesterday, I just didn't have time to post it! My DH has taken over my computer to play in some fantasy football league online, by the time he had finished last night, buying and selling players, it was gone 10pm and I was to busy watching Most Haunted!)
I read the prompt over my cup of tea at 7am and my first thought was 'wedding rings'. On my way to work however I thought about the huge rusty chains of the chainlink ferry I have to catch every wednesday to get me to my friendship group. I was lucky when I got there that the ferry was over the other side so I had time to take some quick photos to help inspire me when I got home for my art journal page. The photos are not great, I took them on my little digital camera and people were giving me weird looks as I was standing there taking photos of the chains! Im sure they thought I was some sort of inspector, assessing the condition of the chains!!

I was not going to use the photos on the page but when I started to try and draw the chains it was really difficult, I just could not get them right. So I printed the photos off as I had taken a few others of a sculpture and a big crane as well, both metal. I still had lots of blank space so I wrote down all the sounds the chains make when they are pulling the ferry. It is really noisy sitting on the ferry, luckily it only takes a few minutes!
As I am a scrapbooker it was quite liberating to just stick the photos down randomly, with masking tape no way I would normally do this!
I must confess to not having time to do the journal prompt, hopefully I will get to it today along with the new word prompt!
Sami x

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

CBC Day 3

Todays random word prompt over on Creativity boot camp is
I have only had an hour this evening as I have been on a really boring training course all day.
Here is my attempt.

Sami x

Monday, 7 June 2010

CBC Day 2

It's day 2 at Creativity bootcamp and the random word prompt is 'Picnic'. This was my interpretation.

The drawing is not the best but I like the concept of the picture. People that know me IRL may think its a bit dark even though they know my obsession with Twighlight, trueblood, Buffy and vampires in general! This was probably floating around my sub concious because I read The short second life of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer yesterday (another good book!)

The journal prompt today was, in short, what makes someone else an artist and not you? Thought provoking...not sure I came up with any answers but I scribbled my thoughts down in my art journal. I am trying really hard not to be precious about what goes in this journal, just scibbling away as it comes.

Sam x

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Creativity boot camp

I found this online 2 week course called Creativity Boot Camp. Its run by Maegan Beishline, link on the left. It looks interesting so I thought I would have a go. You are supposed to chose one medium to work in throughout the course so I have chosen mixed media and thought I would have a go at an Art journal. I have never done a 'proper' one of these before although as a girl I always had a sketch book on the go and still have some of my college sketch books from my fashion design course.
I found an old, hardly used notebook last night and thought I would just start with a bit of doodleing to get the creative juices flowing. Heres what I ended up with.

I am a little rusty in the drawing department but hopefully this course will help me get back into the swing of things. Hard to believe I spent my childhood drawing and painting and now it scares me to put pen to paper in case it doesn't turn out right!

I just have to learn to let go, not worry about producing a work of art, not worrying thats its not perfect, that it doesn't look like what it should be, and just learn to create again. No ones going to see it but me, Im not doing it for anyone else but me so so what if its crap??!!
This is day 1 of the course

The prompt was to write a letter to your future self as if you had already done this course. Tell yourself what you got out of it, how you met and exceeded all of the challenges set and how all your creative dreams have come true. Then you put the letter away and dont read it again for the duration of the course. Also the random word prompt to be incorporated was 'Ivory'.
This stumped me for a bit...I wanted to start the art journal, Im not great at writing and I wasn't supposed to read it again during the course???
So I have just gone my own way with it...see I've learnt something already...theres no right and wrong way!
I wrote my letter on good quality ivory parchment paper then I made an envelope to put it in that I could stick in my art journal. The letter would be put away and I have my first entry in my Journal.
I drew a picture of future me..I so wish!....then I covered it with ivory paint and ink. I used it as a mask to paint around, creating what looks like a door, then stuck the picture above it. Then I stamped and painted swirls with the ivory paint and ink.
Now at this point I would normally be obsessing over whether it met the criteria, had I done it right, is it good enough..but I'm not. I've done it, I'm happy with it, it gave me a couple of hours to myself just to play so day 1 accomplished I'd say!
Sami x

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Scrap with us # 16

I am a little ahead of myself today. The WCC challenge is not supposed to go up until tomorrow but I knew I only had today to do it so I have posted it early!
# 16 Scrap with us is
Old wives tale
Mix up those alphas
Heres what I came up with

I had to google old wives tales as I was getting confused with proverbs. Although I found this saying under old wives tales it also appears under proverbs but as I knew what photos I wanted to use I stuck with it!
From this website I found this little nugget:
" The 'Red sky at night' rhyme is more than an old wives' tale and has some meteorological foundation - in England at least.
To explain why we'll need to know why clouds sometimes appear red and how that may be used to predict the weather. Firstly, why do clouds appear red in the morning and evening?
-Sunlight is broken into the familiar rainbow spectrum of varying wavelength colours as it passes through the atmosphere.
-The blue/ violet end of the spectrum is diverted more than the red/orange.
-When the sun is low in the sky, at dawn and dusk, sunlight travels through more atmosphere than at other times of the day. the red wavelength is better able to go on a direct course and be reflected back off clouds, where as the blue light is more scattered before reaching the cloud and is therefor less visable. So, we see the clouds as red as the light that is reaching them is primarily red.
...and how does this help predict the weather?
- The weather in the UK comes from the west, i.e the wind is primarily westerly.
- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
- If there is broken cloud in the morning we may look to the west and see some red light reflecting back from the cloud, i.e. 'red sky in the morning'. As the clouds are coming towards us there must be a chance of rain, at least an increased chance compared with the cloudless period we had just enjoyed.
- Likewise for 'red sky at night'. If we see clouds in the evening they will be in the east and have already passed us by, giving a good chance of clear skies and fine weather ahead."
So looks like its not an old wives tale after all!
If you want to join in with the Wight craft circles weekly challenge, hop on over to the blog (link at the top of my page). Don't forget to leave a comment so we can come over and check out your work.
Sam x

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Scrap with us # 15

This weeks Scrap with us challenge over on the Wight craft circle blog is
Tell me a story
I chose to do a comic strip style LO. Not much scrapbooking as such, no pretty embellishments, but I really like the way its turned out. The journalling is written a little like a childrens story. I edited the photos to add the speech and thought bubbles and then wrote the text in after I had printed them out.
If you want to join in with the challenge pop over to the Wight craft circle blog and don't forget to leave a comment so we can check out your work!
Sam x