I wanted to share this page, even though its very personal.
I know I am extremely biased, but my son is such a wonderful child! He is kind, caring, loving, compassionate, has really high moral standards, extremely bright (9.6 grade average and he's only 13!) and just generally a great kid! Everyone that meets him thinks he's wonderful, which is why I find it so hard to understand why he's bullied.
He was bullied so severely at age 5 that he had to see a child physciatrist. It took a long time but he came through the other side of it, not the person he was going to be, but maybe a better person?
He is the reason that I started a support group for parents of children that had been bullied, which I ran for 5 years. I hate bullying, it takes so much from you and makes you vunerable.
Since starting at high school there have been a group of kids who bully him on a daily basis, calling him names, hassling him on the bus on the way home and videoing it. They have been spoken to and parents have also been told but it doesn't deter them for long.
Caleb has been so strong, he doesn't let them see that it's upsetting him, but when he gets home it all gets too much for him.
I have taught him to put up a protection bubble around himself. I have told him that bullies are cowards, they know that they are inadequate and they take their insecurities out on other people. I've told him he is the better person in all this and to try and ignore them. I have also told him that because I was bullied I know that nothing I am saying helps.
I am so cross that he is hurting and I can't help him. I did this page for him this morning. I have scanned it and printed it out small for him so he can keep it in his wallet, knowing that its there and what it says will help him to visualise his bubble and stay strong.
The words read:
You are safe, you are protected, nothing can harm you. You have the Goddess' love and the best protection of all, my love, a mothers love is the most powerful protection there is. You are better than them Caleb, you have a true heart, a kind and loving heart. You are powerful, you have strength, compassion, honour and truth within you and no one can take that away. Stay strong, stay true, safe in the knowledge that you are loved. Let their negativity bounce off your shield, don't let it touch your heart. Keep this bubble of protection around you, it will cloak you from their hurtful actions and keep you true to yourself. Let your aura shine so bright it dazzles them into submission. I love you.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings,
Sami x