It seems all about the crochet today on everyones blogs so I thought I would post my work in progress as well!
I run friendship groups for ethnic minority women here on the IOW. One of my groups wanted to learn how to knit and crochet so we found someone who could come along and teach them. While we were waiting for our sessions to start with the tutor that crochet magazine came out so I thought I'd pick up a copy and have a go thinking if I knew some of the basics I would be able to help the women as well. ( most of them have since surpassed me!)
It was a lot more difficult than I thought but I persevered! I got some help from my sister who started at the same time but seemed to be able to understand how to read the pattern (they totally confuse me!)
I am making a granny square blanket, in various colours. I'm doing 3 squares with the same colours, rotating the colours on each of the 3 squares then moving onto the next 3 with another combination of 3 colours, iykwim! So far all the sets of 3 are different colours.
I am going to make some crochet flowers as well and put them on random squares when I am finished.
I need 100 squares and since january I have made 67! Its a long process but I am determined to get there! I have no idea how to stitch it all together so will be calling on my sisters help as she finished her blanket months ago!
Sami x