Thursday, 27 October 2011

Exciting news! (Well for me anyway!)

 Artist blurb

 I have finally done it!
My prints are printed, packaged and ready to be delivered to the shop thats going to sell them for me.
I feel elated that they are done, amazed that they look so good and a little bit scared about whether they will sell.

 Some of the prints packaged

 Back of the prints with artist blurb and sticker with my logo on

I have had so much help and support to get me to this stage. My friends that have pushed me into 'just doing it' and have supported me by encouraging my art, Mr Lumpy who took the photos of all my canvas' so that I could turn them into prints and my wonderful Dad who tried to teach me how to use his little mount cutter, gave up when I found it impossible and then chipped in half towards a proper Logan mountcutter to make things much easier! My mate that actually walked into a new shop in Ryde and asked them if they would like to see my work, then rang me, said 'pack up your art i'm coming to get you' which resulted in the shop Silver Chimes selling my work!
Also to my blog friends for their positive comments and support when I questioned if I could actually do it.
Of course, the prints actually have to sell now, but just having the shop thinking my art is good enough for them to sell is a huge boost of confidence for me, so after I drop them off tomorrow I am taking Stu and the kids for a celebratory breakfast at Weatherspoons!
Sami x

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Long time no blog

Helllllloooooooo! I have not blogged in over a month, dam blogger is still playing me up-am I the only one now? I have tried everything I can find but none of the so called 'fixes' have fixed it. I still have to sign in with internet explorer to post new stuff, but sign in with firefox to follow links to other peoples blogs and comment-what's going on?? I don't want to have to move my blog to another blog host site as 1: I can't be bothered, 2: I am still a bit of a techniphobe and 3:Blogger should fix this problem!
Anyway, enough ranting. I have been arting although not as much as usual (dam Pinterest!). Pinterest is such an inspiration but I find myself spending hours on there oohing and aahing over everything creative and then not actually creating anything myself!
I have started on a series of 3 canvas's (the canvas's were kindly given to me by Sarah's mum, thank you!).
They will be abstracty sort of paintings of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. They represent the stages of womanhood, the phases of the moon and the seasons.
 The Maiden is young and fresh, spring is her time and the waxing moon is her phase.
 Her energy is new and exciting and somewhat untamed (shown by the swirls).
 Finished piece

Close up of face

 The Mother has matured and is in her nurturing stage and the full moon phase (which you can't really see behind her head in this photo!). She is the end of summer and autumn and the harvest time. Her energy is more tamed and in control. I am hoping to get this one finished at the weekend and then I will make a start on the Crone.

I had a new tattoo done yesterday. I have been wanting a dragonfly tattoo on my wrist for a few years now as dragonfly is my totem animal but have never found the right one. The ones I like are big, detailed and beautiful so in making them small enough for my wrist they would lose all the detail that made them so pretty.
I went with Paige yesterday while she got her tattoo done and while browsing through the designs I found this little fellow. I asked them to change the colours for me as it HAD to be purple and I wanted the turquoise for the body. I am really pleased with it!
I have not managed to get my October calendar page done yet but I am making a note of what I have been up to each day so hopefully I can catch up, It seems silly to have kept up this far and not finish now.

Sami x