I work for an organisation called Equals, a voluntary group set up to celebrate equality and diversity on the Isle of Wight. I work as their friendship group coordinator, running friendship groups for ethnic minority women. The group brings women together to make new friends, take part in activites, training and to aid social inclusion.
Cultural diversity day is celebrated nationally on May 15th and Equals wanted to put on an event in the centre of the Island to raise awareness of the Islands diverse community.
I was left in charge of organising this event (stressful!), something I had never done before!
We had a range of performers on the day, African drumming, belly, Latin and salsa dancing, English folk music and Samba. The highlight of the whole event was the fashion show and Poco-Poc0 dance performed by the Ladies of the friendship groups. The fashion show was mainly Indonesian costumes (as many of the women are Indonesian) and the ladies wrote to the Indonesian embassy and were allowed to borrow the embassys costumes for the event. They put together all the music and dance moves for the fashion show themselves, and made the costumes they wore to perform the Poco-Poco dance (Indonesian folk dance). This was a huge achievement for them, putting the whole thing together then performing in front of a huge crowd and I am so proud of them! I wanted to share a couple of the photos with you.