The snow finally seems to be melting but the weather reports say we will get more tonight. I really hope not, I must be getting old as it was fun for a couple of days but now its peeing me off!
I have had more time for crafting though so thats a bonus. My sister dragged her wheelie tote of craft stuff all through the snow and ice on Saturday to come and do some crafting with me as we had to cancel our crop. We were looking through the Handmade magazine and saw a little banner that said NEST so we thought we would have a go at making our own versions.
I used cardboard as the base, scraps from my scrapbox, bits of corragated card, stamps, primas and gems. I cut the letters on my Slice and hung a little chipboard heart from one of the tags.
I am pleased with how well they have turned out and they look great hanging above the doors of the kids bedrooms.
I used kraft c/s and leftover PP from my JYC which was cosmo cricket, jolly by golly. A little snowflake from paperchase and an october afternoon journalling card finish it off.
Thanks for looking x
Busy, busy, busy. I love those banners and the way you say you just whipped them up. So gorgeous though.
I'm the same - wish the snow would just hurry up and go already. Am fed up being cold.
Your Banners look FAb (as always your work is great!!) I love Calebs the most i think just coz I know how hard it must have been for you to find bits suitable for it :) and Oh NO!!! was that you last peice of Kraft CS??? don't worry I'm ordering more in bulk tonight :)
bring on the snow!!!!! I have a borning training course booked for tomorrow!
I love that image of your sister wheeling her tote through the snow! that's real dedication to duty. Great banners.
Gorgeous Banners. Lovely LO too.
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